C3 Youth Holiday Camps Waiver of Liability and Terms and Conditions
I release the Family Activity Center, Shelbyville / Shelby County Parks and Recreation Board, City of Shelbyville, and the Shelby County Fiscal Court and its staff and volunteers for any injuries that may occur to me (or my child of less than 18 years of age) while participating in C3 Youth camps including holiday camps, summer camps, after school and snow camps. I hereby certify that I/my child is in good health and able to participate in the program. Shelbyville/Shelby Co. Parks and Recreation is not equipped with personnel or nursery to assist with non-potty trained children during the parents night out event. I also understand that the event may be rescheduled for reasons out of our control (weather, facility problems, etc.). However, we will work to prevent these occurrences as much as possible. The event will involve physical activities including but not limited to swimming, playground time, basketball, wiffle ball, floor hockey, relays, and other running and jumping activities and there is potential for injury. There is the option for children to participate in not physical activities such as board games, coloring, legos, electronics, etc. Swimming areas will be monitored by certified and trained lifeguards. Other event areas will be supervised by adults who have CPR, First Aid, and AED training. Please note that the floors in event areas may be slippery as well as the floors in restrooms, pool areas, locker rooms, restrooms, could be slippery, especially when wet. The FAC has strict no running policy except for gym areas.
Age Restrictions: The event is designed for children ages 4-15 years old. Children must be fully potty trained. Parents, guardians, or a chaperone is permitted to participate in the event with children 3 years and under. We highly recommend that young children (est. 4-6 years old) be comfortable in a social environment with other children of the same age or older children.
Discipline Policy: Camp staff will contact parents if disciplinary issues arise with the participant(s). Camp staff will attempt to handle minor issues and correct them as best as possible such as not listening to instructions, general horseplay, etc. Any children with major disruptions / disciplinary issues will be ask to sit aside and parents/guardians will be contacted. Bullying, physical violence, verbal abuse, and other abusive behavior or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Camp staff is not responsible for content viewed on personal electronic devices brought by the participant. However if inappropriate content is noticed by camp staff, camper will be asked to refrain and parents/guardians will be notified.
Refund Policy: Registration fees are non-refundable unless in the case of an emergency. Online transaction fees are non-refundable.
Online Transaction Fees: There are online pay-pal transaction fees included in the total price. Pay-Pal charges the park system 2.9% plus .30 cents on each transaction. These fees will vary depending on the number of children you are registering. Fees will range from $1 – $3. One-time fees are as follows: 1-2 children ($1.00), 3-4 children ($2.00), 5-6 children ($3.00). Online transactions are handled securely through Pay-Pal. These fees are non-refundable.
Permission to Photograph & Publish: I the undersigned consent for Shelbyville-Shelby County Parks and Recreation to photograph me or my child during recreational or program activities and to publish those photographs in program guides, flyers, social media, newspapers, and other promotional materials in regard to park programs only.