Text and Email Alerts
It’s easy to sign up for text and/or e-mail alerts for all of the park system or for your individual sport or program you, your family and friends are participating in!
To receive text alerts: Find the sport(s), program(s) or park facility below and then through your cell phone, text the code to 84483. You will then be able to receive text alerts, remember that message and date rates apply. That’s it! You’re signed up! Anytime there are changes to schedules, games, programs, fitness classes, events are cancelled or postponed, practices changed, etc. you will receive a text alert! Its very easy to cancel at any time, just text STOP to 84483 at anytime! To receive e-mail alerts as well, see bottom of this page.
To receive text alerts FOR ALL events, athletics, and programs from Shelbyville / Shelby County Parks and Recreation:
Text 72757 to 84483 to receive alerts.
For ONLY Family Activity Center – FAC (fitness classes, facility closings, swimming pool closures, swim lessons, etc.)
Text FACFAC to 84483 to receive FAC – Family Activity Center alerts.
Adult Basketball
Text SCPBASKETBALL to 84483 to receive Adult Basketball alerts.
Adult Softball
Text 27638 to 84483 to receive Adult Softball alerts.
Adult Volleyball
Text 28655 to 84483 to receive Adult Volleyball alerts.
Text SCPFUTSAL to 84483 to receive Futsal alerts.
Youth Baseball and T-Ball (Spring and Fall)
Text LLBASEBALL to 84483 to receive Youth Baseball & T-Ball alerts.
Youth Basketball
Text SCPBBALL to 84483 to receive Youth Basketball alerts.
Youth Fastpitch Softball
Text SCPFASTPITCH to 84483 to receive Youth Softball alerts.
Youth Football
Text SCPSTORM to 84483 to receive Youth Football alerts.
Youth Soccer (Spring and Fall)
Text SCPSOCCER to 84483 to receive Youth Soccer alerts.
Youth Volleyball
Text SCPVBALL to 84483 to receive Youth Volleyball alerts.
Red Orchard Park: (dog park, wedding barn, trails, playground, Miller Outdoor Education Center, etc.)
Text redorchard to 84483 to receive Red Orchard Park alerts.
Shelby Trails Park: (Trail conditions/closings, events, programs, horse boarding, riding lessons, guided rides, etc.)
Text shelbytrails to 84483 to receive Shelby Trails Park alerts.
Text HELP for help. Text STOP to cancel alerts at any time. For customer support contact info@rainedout.com or 800-230-1933. Msg&data rates may apply.
Go to the link below, enter your E-mail address and follow 3 simple steps. Once your E-mail address is registered, you can manage your subscription by clicking “Manage Your Alert Subscription” and subscribe to the individual program(s), sport(s) or park facility you wish. You can control the amount of e-mails you receive! You can easily subscribe or unsubscribe at any time. You can receive E-mails from specific sports only, the FAC only, etc. or receive alerts for the entire park system if you wish to stay up to date on all things Shelby County Parks!
For any assistance with text or E-mail alerts, contact Ashley Coulter or Lea Ann Wood at 502-633-5059 or e-mail crose@shelbycountyparks.com

Family Activity Center
Healthy minds, healthy bodies is what Clear Creek Family Activity Center can offer you. With a wide array of social activities, special events, aquatic programs, fitness and sports programming, The Family Activity Center has it all for you.
Facility Rentals
Shelbyville/Shelby County Parks & Recreation has many facilities available for rent for your next family reunion, meeting, gathering, wedding/reception, baby shower, birthday party etc. Read More